

General Project Process


In this step we discover the key aspects of your business’ brand. We will review any of your current touchpoints and conduct a brief stakeholder analysis to get an understanding of the big picture of your brand.


As the result of an in depth brand audit we will determine what the next move for your brand is. In this step we decide upon the actual creative direction of your project. This step includes: budgets, milestones & dates of completion.


Once development begins we will have already established what your unique identity consists of and how we will creatively communicate that unique identity. During this phase we are in continuous communication in order to successfully move to the next phase.


Once your project has undergone the complete round of approvals and adjustments we will launch your project. Preparation and disciplined endeavor bring us to the place where we can finally launch your project successfully


After the initial phase of your project has been completed the work has just begun.

Website Maintenance

Your need Website needs to be maintained! The technology of the web is constantly and progressively moving forward and if you don’t keep up you will be left behind. We offer maintenance packages that have you covered.

Website Performance Optimization

Should you choose to continue to work with us we will take info and analytic feedback to continue to improve upon your business’ performance on the web.