We The WordPress Community
We love WordPress the platform and the WordPress Community. Our desire is that the technology continues to grow globally. WordPress has matured from a simple blogging platform to a full blown Content Management System that powers upwards of 20% of the entire World Wide Web.
Counting the reasons to love WordPress
Its not difficult to see the reasons why so many people have grown to love the WordPress Platform for the use in their business. WordPress is easy to setup and user friendly, infinitely extendible, search engine friendly right out of the box & backed by the worldwide WordPress Community. Many of the world’s largest brands use WordPress to power their website.
Those using WordPress to power their website Include but are not limited to:

This technology supports many small businesses, artists, musicians and entrepreneurs the entire world over.
Philoveracity’s Involvement in the WordPress Community
Philoveracity Design is currently actively involved in the WordPress community through organizing a monthly meetup group in Riverside, CA. We meet once monthly on the first Tuesday of the month and discuss a variety of issues and topics that involve or are relevant to WordPress technology or the WordPress Community. We also help you solve issues with your WordPress website and troubleshoot problems you may have. The city of Riverside has set a goal of becoming a tech hub in the Inland Empire and the WordPress Community is playing a major part of this goal by hosting the monthly Inland Empire WordPress Meetup Group.
Connect to the WordPress Community
You are invited to come out and attend a monthly Inland Empire WordPress Meetup and become a part of this movement that is the WordPress Community. We meet every first Tuesday of the month at Riverside.io .