My first time on WP Watercooler

posted in: Verious' Blog

First Philoveracity Google+ Hangout

Using new platforms for cool new things are one of my favorite tasks.  I am one of those guys who has what  you could easily label “Shiny New Object Disorder”.  Although Google plus and their hangouts have been out for a while, to me they are still relatively new.   When I was living in Vegas a few months back I actually set up a hangout (View that hangout Here) for a day where I was desiring to simply answer people’s questions about WordPress – but when I got a bunch of other WordPress Developers on my channel I shrank back and began to think, “Uh, oh! What am i gonna do now?”    My plan had failed!

Possible seeds for a new thing…? 🙂

Maybe it was not such a failure after all.   While on the channel, a good new friend that I met (never met in person.) Jason Tucker from Tucker Professional Web Services & The Orange County WordPress Meetup Group and I had a really good conversation.  It was a good time for each of us developers to hang out and just shoot the breeze.  Well, fast forward a few weeks or so and My friend Jason begins a structured conversation on Google+ for WordPress developers called  WP Water-cooler.   Brilliant Idea!  Why hadn’t I thought of this?!?

That first hangout left something wanting and to be honest, I did not consider this as a forum, for developers of WordPress but it makes so much sense.  I did not get to attend the first WP Water-cooler but i watched it and made it a point to be on the next session.  So ladies & gentlemen if you have not had an opportunity to tune into the Second Episode of the WordPress Water-cooler and hear my brief second of input Check it out below.

WPwatercooler Episode 2

Many thanks to Jason Tucker for taking the initiative to make this thing formal and yet another resource for the WordPress community worldwide.

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Creative Director of Philoveracity Design

I am the Creative Director of Philoveracity Design . I live in Corona, CA. The current focus of my career is to continue to build important new business relationships while nurturing current connections by properly stewarding the time & talents that God has given me.

2 Responses

  1. Avatar Of Jason Tucker
    Jason Tucker
    | Reply

    Verious, thanks for the kind words regarding the WPwatercooler weekly show. I had a few things I wanted to make sure would happen on the show:

    1. Set time every week
    2. Don’t waste peoples time, quick intros right into the topic at hand
    3. Showcase the awesome people I know and even some I dont know yet in the WordPress community by having them on the show.
    4. Meet new people, learn new stuff and become a better developer for my clients.

    WPwatercooler has been picked up a few places online, views are going up and things are looking good. I attribute all of this to the awesome folks that are on the show and how well people in the WordPress community mesh together.

    See you on an upcoming show!


    • Avatar Of Verious Benjamin Smith Iii
      Verious Benjamin Smith III
      | Reply

      It is an amazing Concept and show bro & 30 focused minutes is just right. I look forward to future episodes.

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